Sustainability – Project Yourself | #21DaysChallenge 9 - Read The Content

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Sustainability – Project Yourself | #21DaysChallenge 9

Are we showing the importance of our existence in Family or workplace or any other place we dwell in? The reply will have responses which always tend to be dragging towards the negative side. Why it is Significant to have the ability to prove our existence constantly?  Let us go through the significance here-under.

It is said that every successful person had a sustainable development goals more often than not. They tend to set a Long  term goal and they will travel with hardship to reach that destiny. Do we have a sustainable development goal? If not, please make attempts to make at least one short term goal for the sake of your goodness.

Why Sustainable development goal important? We may see many  countries’ government is investing in Sustainable energy sources.  Each and every business sector like Fashion, Engineering, Food,  Architecture, Economics etc. are focusing on the sustainability on  their respective fields. Considering the macro level, as an individual we should consider sustainability seriously. Be aware of the fact that if we don’t move towards sustainable development, we fail more often than not. Fortunately if we don’t fail, we may still face some ill effects. To be precise Sustainable development goal is importance because it is said that “Be as Roman when you are in Rome”. The entire universe is moving towards sustainability so it is not fair to travel on the other side of it.

One of the examples of this goal is decent work and economic growth. Do we actually have met these goals or given a thought about it? My personal response would be certainly not. This is because both decent work and economic growth won’t sail on the same boat. The reason behind it is, we are forced to choose any one these two and not both. Decent work may be an activity that you love to do or it may be in line with your studies or at least it should lay a pathway to our destiny. In contrary, we focus on Economic growth alone. This is where the long term successful person and all other set apart. A successful person has the ability to balance both work and growth. This is one case in point of goal's impact on individual life. There are few others also framed in existence or we may frame our own to taste success.

Have you started to think about your goals?

Happy Goals!

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