
Friday, January 11, 2019

Work hard and be ahead | #21DaysChallenge 4

It is said "Hard work never fails". Is it practically feasible. Can we prevail our life only with Working hard. If it so, how come the people who hardly work be in lime light often. Is it because of luck. If luck is the fact then why doesn't felicitate the people who sail on the ship with full of hardship. Let's try to decimate myth around success.

Everything we desire for won't come in package. We have to earn it in parts. We have to work hard and can't let everything goes in vain. We should add reactants and catalyst it make it in equilibrium. Both sides of reactions should be equalized. Catalyst can be the so called luck which speed up your process in achieving the desired. This process should be dealt in phases. Every phase will have its own respective reactions. We have to put the precise reagents to make each phase to point towards the next. There should be no going back.

We have seen people working hard fails more often than not. Sometimes we may have been one among the victims. Success has many factors which has to be taken in to consideration to overcome the reverse effect. Falling on the way won't affect much because we can rise up and resume from where we went down. If we tend to fail during the course of this reason, it is hard to hit back. We should have the morale to deal with it.

Working hard is a double headed sword. It can either punish you or else protect you. Sometimes end up being on the wrong side of the sword. This is because we are not smart enough to use that sword. Being a hard worker doesn't always help. We have to use our smartness often to get things done. It is said "Hard work never fails". Success and failure are not the factors considered here. There is no doubt that hard work triumph always. It is about the success impact on our life and how early we taste the fruits. The span of success matters much. This quote make sense only when you are smart. Smartness necessarily doesn't mean cunning but to put things under your radar with a hawk eye and getting things done. We have to foresee the causes of failure and get it ratified before it sinks the ship down.

Turn the game on, warm up, walk along with your partner, work hard and keep calm life is going to be with endless challenges which can be overcome by the best practices.

Happy hard work! 

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